How to Like a Text on Android Phones?

In today’s world, texting is one of the most popular means of communication. Whether it’s through social media or messaging apps, texting has become an integral part of our lives. And with the rise of smartphones, it has become easier than ever to send and receive messages on the go. However, not many people know how to like a text on Android phones. In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to like a text on Android phones.

Can You Like a Text Message on Android?

Yes, you can like a text message on Android. Most messaging apps on Android phones have a feature that allows you to like or react to text messages. This feature is similar to the like button on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram. 

When you like a text message, it shows the sender that you have acknowledged and appreciated their message. 

The steps to like a text message on Android may vary depending on the messaging app you are using, but in general, you can long-press on the message and select the like or react option from the menu that appears.

Steps to Like a Text on Android Phones

It’s a simple way to show someone that you appreciate their message or to acknowledge that you have received their message. Here we will provide the steps of how to like a text on your Android phone:-

Step 1: Open the Messaging App

The first step is to open the Messaging app on your Android phone. This can be the default messaging app or any other messaging app you have installed on your phone.

Step 2: Find the Text Message You Want to Like

Once you have opened the messaging app, find the text message you want to like. This can be a message you received from a friend, family member, or colleague.

Step 3: Long-Press on the Text Message

To like a text message on Android, you need to long-press on the text message you want to like. This step will bring up a menu of huge options.

Step 4: Select the “Like” Option

In the menu that appears, select the “Like” option. This will indicate that you have liked the message.

Step 5: View Your Liked Messages

To view your liked messages, go to the messaging app’s settings and select the “Liked Messages” option. Here, you can see all the messages you have liked.


Q:- Which messaging apps on Android support liking a text message?

Ans:- Most messaging apps on Android support the feature to like or react to a text message. Some popular messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Google Messages have this feature.

Q:- Is liking a text message on Android the same as liking a message on social media?

Ans:- Liking a text message on Android is similar to liking a message on social media. It’s a way to acknowledge and appreciate a message that someone has sent you.

Q:- Can I, unlike a text message on Android?

Ans:- Yes, you can, unlike a text message on Android. The process to unlike a message may vary depending on the messaging app you are using. You can usually long-press on the message again and select the unlike or remove reaction option.

Q:- Will the sender of the message be notified when I like their text message?

Ans:- The sender of the message will not be notified when you like their text message on Android.

Q:- Can I see all the messages I have liked on Android?

Ans:- Yes, most messaging apps on Android have a feature that allows you to view all the messages you have liked. The steps to view your liked messages may vary depending on the messaging app you are using.

Final Thoughts

Lliking a text message on Android phones is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following these steps, you can like any text message that you receive on your Android phone. It’s a great way to show your friends and family that you appreciate their messages and that you are paying attention to what they’re saying. So, the next time you receive a text message that you like, go ahead and give it a thumbs up.

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