LG TV Not Connecting to WiFi: How to Fix

In today’s digital age, our televisions are more than just screens for watching shows and movies; they’re also gateways to a world of online content. However, it can be quite frustrating when your LG TV refuses to connect to your WiFi network. If you’re facing this issue, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step methods to resolve the “LG TV not connecting to WiFi” problem, ensuring a seamless streaming experience.

Methods to Fix LG TV Not Connecting to WiFi

Check Your WiFi Network

Before diving into TV-specific troubleshooting, ensuring your WiFi network is working correctly is essential. Follow these steps:

Reboot Your Router

  • Turn off your router and unplug it from the power source.
  • Wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in and power it on.
  • Give it a few minutes to establish a connection.

Test Other Devices

  • Confirm if other devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) can connect to the WiFi network.
  • If they can’t, your router might be the problem. Contact your internet service provider or consider a router replacement.

LG TV WiFi Troubleshooting

Now, let’s focus on the LG TV itself. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

Reset LG TV Network Settings

  • Navigate to the TV’s settings menu.
  • Select “All Settings.”
  • Go to “General” and then “Network”.
  • Choose “WiFi Connection” and select “Set Expert”.
  • Select “Start” to reset the network settings.

Forget and Reconnect the WiFi

  • Access the TV’s network settings again.
  • Choose the WiFi network causing issues.
  • Select “Forget this network” or “Disconnect”.
  • Reconnect to the network by entering the WiFi password.

Update TV Firmware

  • Keeping your TV’s firmware up to date can resolve many connectivity issues.
  • Go to “All Settings,” then “General.”
  • Select “About TV” and choose “Software Update” to check for updates.

Adjust Router Settings

  • Some routers have security settings that can block TV connections.
  • Access your router’s settings through a web browser and ensure MAC filtering or security settings aren’t causing the problem.

Signal Strength Check

  • Ensure that your TV is within the WiFi signal range.
  • Try moving the TV closer to the router temporarily to test connectivity.

Connect via Ethernet

If WiFi issues persist, consider using a wired connection instead:

  • Plug an Ethernet cable into your TV and router.
  • LG TVs usually detect wired connections automatically.

Change WiFi Frequency Band

Sometimes, WiFi interference can cause connectivity problems. Switching to a less congested frequency band may help:

Access Router Settings

  • Log in to your router’s settings through a web browser.
  • Look for options related to WiFi frequency bands (2.4GHz and 5GHz).

Switch to 5GHz

  • If your router supports dual bands, try connecting your LG TV to the 5GHz band, which is generally less crowded and offers better performance for streaming.

Check for TV Firmware Updates:

Updating the TV’s firmware can address compatibility issues and improve network connectivity:

Navigate to TV Settings

  • Access the TV’s settings menu.
  • Select “All Settings.”

Check for Updates

  • Go to “General” and then “About TV.”
  • Choose “Software Update” and follow the prompts to check for and install any available updates.

Reboot Your LG TV

A simple reboot can sometimes resolve connectivity issues:

Turn Off and Unplug

  • Power off your LG TV and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Wait for a minute before plugging it back in.

Power On

  • Turn on your LG TV and attempt to reconnect to the WiFi network.

Disable VPN and Proxy Settings:

If you have configured your TV with VPN or proxy settings, they may be causing connectivity problems:

Access TV Network Settings:

  • Navigate to the TV’s settings menu.
  • Select “All Settings,” then “General,” and finally “Network.”

Disable VPN/Proxy

  • Check the network settings to ensure that VPN or proxy settings are turned off.

Factory Reset

If all else fails, you can perform a factory reset on your LG TV to return it to its default settings. Please note that this will erase all customizations and saved settings, so use this as a last resort:

Navigate to TV Settings

  • Access the TV’s settings menu.
  • Select “All Settings.”

Perform Factory Reset

  • Go to “General,” then “Reset to Initial Settings” or a similar option.
  • Follow the prompts to perform a factory reset.

Remember to back up any important data or settings before performing a factory reset.

Contact LG Support

If all else fails, it may be a hardware issue or a problem with your TV’s WiFi card. In such cases:

  • Reach out to LG’s customer support for further assistance.
  • Provide them with your TV’s model number and explain the issue in detail.


A non-connecting LG TV can be a frustrating experience, but with the steps outlined in this guide, you can often resolve the issue on your own. Start by checking your WiFi network, then follow the TV-specific troubleshooting steps. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to contact LG’s customer support. With patience and persistence, you’ll soon enjoy uninterrupted streaming on your LG TV.

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Q:- Why won’t my LG TV connect to WiFi?

Ans:- Several factors can prevent your LG TV from connecting to WiFi. It could be due to router issues, incorrect network settings, outdated firmware, or interference. Follow the troubleshooting steps in our guide to identify and resolve the specific cause of your connectivity problem.

Q:- My LG TV says it’s connected to WiFi, but I can’t access the internet. What should I do?

Ans:- If your LG TV shows as connected to WiFi but cannot access the internet, it may be a DNS issue. Try changing your DNS settings to a public DNS server like Google’s ( and in the TV’s network settings to see if that resolves the problem.

Q:- Can I use an Ethernet cable to connect my LG TV to the internet instead of WiFi?

Ans:- Yes, you can use an Ethernet cable to connect your LG TV to the internet. Simply plug one end of the cable into the TV’s Ethernet port and the other end into your router. This can provide a more stable and reliable connection compared to WiFi.

Q:- Why does my LG TV keep forgetting the WiFi password?

Ans:- LG TVs may forget the WiFi password due to various reasons, such as power outages or software glitches. To prevent this from happening, consider writing down your WiFi password or using a password manager. You can also set your router to use a static IP address for your TV to avoid re-entering the password frequently.

Q:- How often should I update my LG TV’s firmware?

Ans:- It’s a good practice to regularly check for and install firmware updates for your LG TV. Manufacturers release updates to improve performance, fix bugs, and enhance compatibility. Check for updates at least once a month or enable automatic updates if your TV supports this feature to ensure your TV is running the latest software.