5 Computer-Based Skills to Learn in 2023

Technology has changed the way society operates in so many ways. Between the Internet and computers, life looks entirely different now than it did even ten years ago, let alone 50. Businesses are dependent upon software programs and computers to complete most of their internal processes, and consumers begin and end their purchasing decisions online. This does not even take into account the entertainment options and social media platforms that can be accessed via devices. 

In this online age, being tech-savvy can be very beneficial. Whether it helps you land a job or simply makes household tasks easier, knowing how to apply certain computer skills can make life more enjoyable.

There are so many skill sets related to computers that you can choose to learn. Here are five skills that might be worth discovering in 2023.

Video Editing

Marketers have discovered that short videos are a very consumable form of marketing collateral and can be very effective for advertising purposes. Also, platforms like Instagram and Facebook have become perfect locations for creating and sharing videos with friends and family for social reasons.

The ability to edit videos into more consumable and interesting formats is a useful skill that can have professional and personal applications. If you have a laptop, there are several free video editing software tools that you could take advantage of to start becoming a competent creator. If you become skillful enough with personal projects, it could even help you land a job in the future. 

Computer Science

Computers are not going away anytime soon, which means the study of them can be a very marketable skill. It can also help you in your personal life since you likely use a computer often. Computer science is all about software development and the use of computers. This skill can be vital for job-seekers who want reliable job security and a market with many professional opportunities. You can get started learning about computer science on a platform like Usenet. 

So, what is Usenet? It is a separate network of global servers that hosts discussion forums about topics known as newsgroups. Here, users can have unregulated conversations about various subjects, many of which are focused on computing and software development. Ask the right questions or download the right articles and you can surely learn more about this topic quickly.

Web Design

There are over one billion websites online today, each with a unique domain. That is a lot of competition for businesses that want to attract more customers to their online platforms. These companies are willing to pay well for a website that is well-designed and user-friendly.

Learning web design principles and logistics is a very useful skill in 2023. You could leverage this skill into a freelance role as a web designer or a full-time position. Maybe you just love learning and want to create your own website based on a certain hobby you have, like blogging or cooking. No matter the reason, learning the intricacies of designing websites can have numerous benefits. 

Content Writing

Writing is another marketable skill that not everyone possesses. It often depends on your ability to tell stories as much as it depends on spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. If you have always enjoyed writing, then you could start learning how to become a more effective content writer.

Maybe you can use your newfound knowledge to start a blog and gain a loyal following on social media. Eventually, you could develop a portfolio that attracts employers who need content writers. This skill set can open up a lot of opportunities personally and professionally. 

Data Visualization

If you are involved in the business world, then you probably understand the importance of data. Companies rely on information to make the right decisions in almost every aspect of business, from marketing channels to product development to internal processes. Collecting data is one thing, but interpreting and using it is another.

Data visualization is a practice that involves translating data into consumable formats, such as graphics, images, charts, and more. This skill is valuable when entire teams need to access and interpret data to guide their workflows. If you can learn this skill, you can become a valuable asset for any company that requires a lot of data to operate, which is the vast majority of them. 

Tech-Savvy Individuals Can Thrive in 2023

If you are not particularly savvy with computers, then you may become quickly overwhelmed with the pace of everything around you. Learning to apply basic computer skills is essential, but taking things a step further by learning one or more of the disciplines above can make life a lot easier. Some of them can be studied purely for personal enjoyment, while others can be turned into long-term careers with the right motivation. Choose a topic that interests you and start with the basics to see how these computer-based skills could change your life.

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